Youth Adventure Trust – Summer Camp
£3,174 was awarded to Youth Adventure Trust to create Forest Camp places for 12 young people from Chippenham. The Youth Adventure Trust is a registered youth development charity working with vulnerable young people aged 11 to 16 years old from across Wiltshire and Swindon. They believe that all vulnerable young people should have access to personal development opportunities so that they can fulfil their potential in the future. The Youth Adventure Trust help these vulnerable children at a key transitional stage of their lives, when they are starting secondary school and introduce alternative, positive pathways to them. The programme emphasises the importance of teamwork, communication, resilience and aspiration. For more information visit their website –

“From around the age of 12 I was frequently rude and aggressive. I had a lot of home problems and school problems and I would always truant class. This course taught me that the decisions I was making at the time would affect me for the rest of my life. Now at the age of 16 I am looking to pass all my GCSEs, go to college and be the first in my family to attend university”.