The ‘Borough Lands’ encompass 70 acres in Chippenham. We have embarked on the development of a Country Park situated at the Westmead Open Space, with the planting of thousands of trees, new pathways and the Woodland Sculpture Trail serving as an initial step in this programme. We are proud custodians of a hay and wildflower meadow known as Baydons Meadow, as well as an ancient woodland named Mortimores Wood, both of which are managed by dedicated volunteer groups.
In February 2022, we completed the construction of The Arc, an innovative climbing centre, café and skatepark located on our land at Westmead Playing Field and added a bespoke play area in February 2023. The Borough Lands are all within walking distance of the new climbing centre, skate park and cafe area and are maintained for community use.
We own Pewsham Community Centre and the land around it. We manage the centre which is a vibrant community hub and hosts a diverse range of regular community activities and events.
Westmead Open Space
The Charity’s land to the west of Pewsham Way is known as Westmead Open Space and has received lots of attention over the last 5 years. Thousands of new trees were planted with help from Chippenham residents, schools and other organisations and these are beginning to take hold.
Woodland Creatures Sculpture Trail
The owl sculpture welcomes visitors to Westmead Open Space and he has been joined by other beautiful wooden statues that were designed by children from Chippenham schools but made by Ollie Adams, a talented local sculptor. The wooden sculptures form a short woodland trail designed for families to enjoy.
The Open Space is home to a wide range of plants, trees and wildlife. Sightings have included birds such as Red Kites, Sedge Warblers, Reed Warblers, Greenfinches and Linnets.
The Arc
The Arc climbing centre is owned by CBLC but leased to and operated by The Climbing Academy. The Arc includes interior & exterior rope climbing walls, bouldering, a café and changing areas. The climbing centre was funded from CBLC’s investments together with a £100,000 grant towards the climbing centre from Sport England.
The Arc Skatepark
The Arc skatepark is located within The Arc climbing centre complex and was built with £200,000 funding from Wiltshire Council on land belonging to CBLC. It is a free and unsupervised facility. Users skate here at their own risk.
The Arc Café
The Arc Café indoor and outdoor areas are operated by The Climbing Academy and provide a perfect place for relaxing whilst viewing the activities &/or taking a walk in the nearby Borough Lands. Dogs are welcome in the cafe and on the decking (but not inside the climbing centre, unless they are support animals).
Pewsham Community Centre
Pewsham Community Centre offers an amazing space that can accommodate a wide range of classes, gatherings and celebrations. Our bright and airy hall features a well-equipped kitchen and accessible facilities including toilets. The main hall area provides ample room for larger events and there is also a lovely garden area available for use. Conveniently situated in the heart of Pewsham, the hall is close to shops, amenities and has plenty of free parking available. Hire rates are very reasonable, making it an affordable option for users.

Mortimores Wood
Mortimores Wood is both a designated County Wildlife Site and Local Nature Reserve. It is a small area of Ancient woodland with a recorded history extending back over 800 years. Owned by CBLC but managed by the Mortimores Wood Volunteers, it houses a diversity of plant and bird life only found in such old woodlands.
Westmead Open Space Car Park
The Open Space is accessible to people with disabilities and pushchairs with a car park off Pewsham Way and a crushed stone surfaced path with widened gateway to enable people to access the open parkland.
Baydons Meadow
Baydons Meadow is a field beside the river Avon, just a few minutes walk from the centre of Chippenham in Wiltshire. Whilst the meadow is owned by CBLC, the continued commitment and work from the Baydons Meadow Volunteer Group has transformed the scrubland into a hay meadow. Many species of butterfly and other invertebrates are seen over the meadow, together with birds in the hedge and trees. A lovely spot for walk in nature.
The Arc Park
Our new bespoke play area, made almost entirely from wood, opened adjacent to The Arc climbing centre, skatepark and café in February 2023. The Arc Park includes a Wildwood Tree House, Hollow Log, Play Hut, Sand Tower with pulley, two slides and many other fun features.
Westmead Car Park
Westmead Car Park is located at the end of Westmead Lane. There are two sections of the car park – pay to go parking for users of The Arc facilities and permit parking shared by staff including Chippenham Town Council, Charity volunteers and low-income workers.
Westmead Car Park
Westmead Car Park is located at the end of Westmead Lane. There are two sections of the car park – the front ‘pay to park’ section and the rear section for permit holders. The pay to park section is leased to and managed by The Climbing Academy who run The Arc. This area of the car park is for users of The Arc facilities. The 2nd section is managed by CBLC and for parking permit holders only. Permit holders include CBLC staff and trustees, staff and volunteers of Chippenham Town Council, other local Charity volunteers and low-income workers.