Monthly Archives :

March 2020

Westmead open space car park now closed 1024 684 Chippenham Borough Lands Charity

Westmead open space car park now closed

We understand people’s wish to spend time outside in places like our land at Westmead Open Space during this difficult time. Our Borough Lands are still open but having sought advice from Wiltshire police our Westmead Open Space car park…

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COVID-19 support & new “one chippenham” community website 1024 858 Chippenham Borough Lands Charity

COVID-19 support & new “one chippenham” community website

We are concentrating our support to help with basic welfare provisions and emergency requests/applications relating to Covid-19 only (for example food, transport and electricity/gas).  We are only able to help local individuals and groups/organisations that support the Chippenham community. If you are a…

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community support links & information (COVId-19) 1024 858 Chippenham Borough Lands Charity

community support links & information (COVId-19)

(Information last checked and updated 4.30pm on 23.3.20) Lots of information and offers of support have already been posted across social media and local websites to help the local Chippenham community during this unprecedented time. Below is a long list…

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COVID-19 UPDATE 1024 341 Chippenham Borough Lands Charity


Our office building will be shut to staff and visitors from Wednesday 18th March for the foreseeable future however our support for the Chippenham Community will continue, as much as possible, throughout this difficult time.  We will be checking our…

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Fringe FEb Thanks! 1024 683 Chippenham Borough Lands Charity

Fringe FEb Thanks!

It was fantastic to see so much fun, colour and talent in Chippenham last weekend with the town full of music, comedy, performance, dancing, photography, art, craft, poetry, talks and a market.   We would like to say a HUGE…

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